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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

Steph Bryden

Here we are, another eclipse season is upon us. Tomorrow, October 25th, at 2 degrees of Scorpio (6:49pm ET) we enter into an eclipse portal. This particular energy is centred around our past, so yes, this means an intense time for healing and endings.

As I was sitting in my room last night and reflecting on this, I remembered a fable I once heard that reminds me of this portal opening....especially because it has EVERYTHING to do with choice. Here it is as I remember it:

Inside each person is duality, two energies represented by two wolves: the light and the shadow. The Shadow wolf is our anger, resentments, shame, guilt, lies, hate, jealousy, sorrow, superiority and our ego.

The light wolf is our kindness, love, compassion, peace, joy, trust, faith, generosity and our humility. The one that is strongest, the one that wins, is the one you feed the most. So this eclipse is asking you, what wolf are you willing to feed? What wolf are you willing to nurture and allow to grow strong and flourish?

With our past becoming highlighted under this lunation, it is asking you to take a look at repeating past behaviours, problems and people that are no longer serving your growth. There is an opportunity here to really push through the cycles that have held you hostage whether its trauma loops, addictions, toxic name it, it can show up differently for everyone. What will be the same for us all is the Scorpio energetic. Expect this work to be more on the side of deep and intense inner work than the light and fluffy shit...nothing in Scorpio is fluffy.

Eclipses really give you the chance to say "NO MORE", it's like a universal marker you place in the ethers saying that this is no longer your story. The hard part is is the releasing it, letting it go and trusting. This is our inner animal, this is our instinctual nature to hold on to what is familiar. I challenge you to dig deep my beautiful friends, reflect on what is coming up for you over the next 24 hours. What is it in your life that you need to let go of? What is it you are no longer willing to feed into? We all have fucked up stories and pain, but are you willing to look at yours and be brave enough to say "NO MORE!"

New Moon Solar Eclipses give us an expedited opportunity to manifest whatever it is that we are calling in. Ultimately, this energy is all up to you on how you choose to use it. Like it or not, change is coming this eclipse season. Your option is more of the past scenarios and behaviours, or, are you choosing to close that chapter of your life and move onto a new beginning. Every ending is essentially a death of a part of yourself and that is never easy. So I ask you to be gentle with yourself over the next few days as you traverse these emotional waters of change. Drink lots of water, get a lot of rest and remember to breathe.

What wolf are you willing to feed?



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